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Summer Program

Hours: 7:30 AM - 6:30 PM | Enrollment Form

Kids In Motion Summer Camp runs from June 17 through August 27. We will be open 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday through Friday, except July 4 and 5 (closed for Independence Day).

We will go swimming at Strawberry Canyon every Tuesday and Thursday. We will leave Kids In Motion at 12:45 PM and walk 1.5 miles to the pool. Everyone is out of the pool and dressed for snack at 3:30 PM and we head back to Kids In Motion at 3:45 PM, arriving around 4:30 PM. The entrance fee for the pool is $3 (cash is preferred). We are also planning to take four field trips to see movies in the theaters. We take AC Transit to downtown Berkeley. Our preferred movie times are right after lunch. The cost for movie field trips is $10 (cash preferred).

Kids In Motion Legos

Kids In Motion
2955 Claremont Ave Berkeley CA 94705
(510) 549-9247
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